
Saturday, January 2, 2021

20 May, Hubdot audience

 One more fantastic meeting, speech, success, in the event organised by Simone and team as Hubdot. At the Bank of America Marril Lunch.

Après un mois au lit, chez moi, non seulement j'ai sortie avec chaussures normales, mais j'etais dehors 5 heures!

Bien sûr, taxi lá et retour, payées par Hubdot, mais 3 heures en réunion; la plupart assise dans un fauteuil spécialement trouvée pour moi. Je suis montée sur le podium en tenant la main de Simone qui m'a passé son microphone, et ensuite, oubliant le pied, la fracture, (ex) j'ai racontée, bougée étant tout avec l'audience.

L'audience est venu plus près et même gonflé vers le fin, et rėagi fort à plusieurs de mes lignes, surtout aux "afterthoughts" ajoutés. Surtout femmes présents, mais j'ai aussi observé un homme distingué âgé même si plus jeune que moi, qui a spécialement aimé certains parts.

It such a joy, each time: the audience réaction!

After the event, they come to speak with me, one by one; three by three. I inspired more then one to live and DARE. 

At the beginning of the meeting, good contact with the sound, video and light technician, who showed me the new equipment behind the scene, and told me he will leave soon, go to Zurich wanting new experience.

After all other women spoke, the VPE of the Toastmasters from the bank (this was not a tm event), come to tell me how much she enjoyed and we even discovered we know someone common, both. They will invite me and pay my transport, to visit, to speak in their club.

Vers la fin, mon pied avait besoin et je lui a donné un médicament contre douleur. J'étais la seule assise, Simone à fait apportée pour moi un fauteuil. 

The most moving was the young uniformed girl from the wardrobe, happy to tell me how much my words impressed her.

I had no more business cards left, and wrote my email on a discarded wardrobe ticket: I hope she will be able to read it well and email me. 

It is so rewarding to touch others! Offer hope and change something in their lives. Offer hope : It is never too late, three is always yet another chance. Dare to take a step out of conforte zone. (And much laugh in between.)

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