
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

In TM Magazine

 4 June 2016

Trop attendre de quelque chose n'est pas sage: j'étais déçue ce qu'ils ont mise dans le film d'une heure de tout ce que j'ai dit. 

Par contre, très heureuse des deux page dans le Toastmasters Magazine de Juin. 

Maintenant je dois me préparer pour ma prochaine discours au club toastmasters et l'atelier que je tiendrais Online. Et choisir pour le Standup club mes meilleurs 5 minutes. 

Ce qui m'a le plus choqué ou déçu dans le film et pas quelque chose que je disais mais tous ont des apparitions courts au début de film et moi, je n'y étais même pas. Vers 20 minutes dans le film ma partie est arrivée, plus tard, une fois encore brièvement. C'est tout. En plus, j'y suis très mal maquillée, les autres paraissent plus naturelles. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Never too late: translate as needed

 29 May 2016 - click Translate, choose language!

Jeune, j'espérais arriver jusque la fin du siècle, 2000. Déjà dépassé avec 16 ans! Et bientôt, je serais 82.

Après avoir regardé deux TED talks ce matin, j'ai décidé d'écrire d'une période de ma vie dont je n'ai pas parlé.

Titre, "the bottom", il finit à 39 ans avec la diplôme dont je suis la plus fière: CAP en Informatique en &çè". Cette réussite m'a prouvée que je suis encore capable d'étudier et à passer des examens: même en Français!

La période commence avec une arme pointant vers la fenêtre ? Ou alors, moi, assise devant l'énorme portail du cour du Moulin, en attendant que Sandu, mon mari, revient, vers 3h de nuit, ou avec lui me disant pus tard "il n'y a pas de contract d'amour"? Puis, le pire lieux ou j'ai dormir, habitée pour un temps. 

Peut-être, je devrais écrire les divers points bas de ma vie d'abord en n'importe quel ordre, décider ensuite oû commencer. Écrire, raconter.

Le point haut 39 ans m'a diplôme dont je suis plus fière encore aujourd'hui que de doctorat, PhD obtenu à 43 ans aussi à Paris, ayant démarré tant des choses. Prouvant encore une fois "jamais trop tard"

Never too late to become woman, at 25

Never too late to prove to yourself that you are not a bad lover, after your husband, the only lover you had ever, tells you "there is no love contract" and leaves you, night after night. Then, when you proved (and fell for another), he finds out and waits for you with a rifle in the window. While a year before, he told you : "you will have many lonely nights" he decides that he wants again family and - tells you all -: he was unfaithful already one week after marrying you. Then, again, again.

"Leave everything and come tomorrow morning to Paris with me. Let us rebuild again our family." 

But once there, his brother, where Sandu lived then, begins to put me down and we move to a cheep hotel. Perhaps the lowest point my life: my children almost taken from me by the Social Services. Next morning, I find a job with minimal wage farther, and we move to Argenteuil. To the worst hotel, infested by bugs, in order to wait till rented apartment is free.

In my new job, I begun to read French History; then listen to BBC tapes "learn English", and finally, discover about computers and programming. 

Pay for a year correspondence course, about programming, that finishes with the CAP state exam. My heart is frozen, my husband abusive but I realise I can. I still can learn, give exams, even in French! (Not only in Romanian as before)

9 years after arriving in France I got my first diplôme, and 4 years later I gave my first ever public speech for my PhD, now separated for 2 years, as divorce takes long. Then, I went to Washington.

Discover Toastmasters and also, that it is life after 43, life after divorce. "If you divorce me, your life as woman is finished" he told me at 41. 

 Never too late to realise it. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Secrets of growing old

 26 May 2016

Tomorrow a week of Secrets of growing old. I will see how much of me is in it.

--- Not much. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

20 May, Hubdot audience

 One more fantastic meeting, speech, success, in the event organised by Simone and team as Hubdot. At the Bank of America Marril Lunch.

Après un mois au lit, chez moi, non seulement j'ai sortie avec chaussures normales, mais j'etais dehors 5 heures!

Bien sûr, taxi lá et retour, payées par Hubdot, mais 3 heures en réunion; la plupart assise dans un fauteuil spécialement trouvée pour moi. Je suis montée sur le podium en tenant la main de Simone qui m'a passé son microphone, et ensuite, oubliant le pied, la fracture, (ex) j'ai racontée, bougée étant tout avec l'audience.

L'audience est venu plus près et même gonflé vers le fin, et rėagi fort à plusieurs de mes lignes, surtout aux "afterthoughts" ajoutés. Surtout femmes présents, mais j'ai aussi observé un homme distingué âgé même si plus jeune que moi, qui a spécialement aimé certains parts.

It such a joy, each time: the audience réaction!

After the event, they come to speak with me, one by one; three by three. I inspired more then one to live and DARE. 

At the beginning of the meeting, good contact with the sound, video and light technician, who showed me the new equipment behind the scene, and told me he will leave soon, go to Zurich wanting new experience.

After all other women spoke, the VPE of the Toastmasters from the bank (this was not a tm event), come to tell me how much she enjoyed and we even discovered we know someone common, both. They will invite me and pay my transport, to visit, to speak in their club.

Vers la fin, mon pied avait besoin et je lui a donné un médicament contre douleur. J'étais la seule assise, Simone à fait apportée pour moi un fauteuil. 

The most moving was the young uniformed girl from the wardrobe, happy to tell me how much my words impressed her.

I had no more business cards left, and wrote my email on a discarded wardrobe ticket: I hope she will be able to read it well and email me. 

It is so rewarding to touch others! Offer hope and change something in their lives. Offer hope : It is never too late, three is always yet another chance. Dare to take a step out of conforte zone. (And much laugh in between.)

Friday, January 1, 2021

9 May 2016 : remembering Sidonie my grandmother

 Yesterday, I left my last diary.

 It is always a special feeling to open a new diary with white pages and without knowing what the future brings and what will be written in it.

This morning, I celebrated my grandmother, Sidonie, and her courage and determination to write a diary throughout all that happened to her, from the day, the Nazi army entered Hungary.

She was in Budapest.

We were in Kolozsvár at the time, but wisely took the first train in the morning, the last train were no one asked yet our documents at departure.

Sidonie wrote when they were obliged to move, then on the train taking them, as it turned out, to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she and most of her family remained for 6 month.

In Caux, Suisse, she was better but not totally free. 

9 May arrived, the Peace was signed. She was not allowed to go out and celebrate it with the Swiss on the street. She wrote it about that too.

Today, my son is in Zurich, it has been peace in Europe for 71 years. And now, even the East European countries, liberated from Communiste dictators are within Europe Union. 

Today, we connect through internet in friendship, to many countries.

9 May 2016

 Plus years 



2 entries 2019 / 2020 so far

My diary from 9 May 2014


I begun writing diaries in December 1944 at age 10 ½ 

This is my last diary begun in May 2014

Ups and downs, life.

It was near my bed all that time, but I have neglected it last 2 years

Written mostly in English & French, with a few paragraphs in Hungarian, my mother language, and some in Romanian, my children's mother language, language of their father. I was new in France, did not want them to learn bad French.

First, will copy, add some pictures. A little background and links when needed. 

Hope, could add a Translate too.

In TM Magazine

 4 June 2016 Trop attendre de quelque chose n'est pas sage: j'étais déçue ce qu'ils ont mise dans le film d'une heure de tou...